Spectral and luminescent properties of hydroxyazomethines of indoline spiropyrans

  作者 Mardaleishvili, I. R.; Kol'tsova, L. S.; Zaichenko, N. L.; Sister, V. G.; Shienok, A. I.; Levin, P. P.; Tatikolov, A. S.  
  选自 期刊  HIGH ENERGY CHEMISTRY;  卷期  2012年46-3;  页码  160-165  

[摘要]Spectral and luminescent properties of novel bifunctional compounds 1-3 based on indole spiropyrans and hydroxyazomethines have been studied in comparison with the properties of the model compounds 5'-substituted spiropyrans and azomethines in organic solvents and PMMA films at 293 and 77 K. Luminescence of compounds 1-3 is due to the presence of the azomethine fragment conjugated with the indoline ring of the spiropyran moiety and determining the long-wavelength absorption band of 1-3. Depending on the solvent, temperature, and the substituent, various combinations of the structures of the chromophore fragments are observed in 1-3: the imine or amine form of the azomethine fragment and the spirocyclic or merocyanine form of the spiropyran fragment.


