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  • CLEC-2 and Syk in the megakaryocytic/platelet lineage are essential for development
    [作者:Finney, BA; Schweighoffer, E; Navarro-Nunez, L; Benezech, C; Barone, F; Hughes, CE; Langan, SA; Lowe, KL; Pollitt, AY; Mourao-Sa, D; Sheardown, S; Nash, GB; Smithers, N; Sousa, CRE; Tybulewicz, VLJ; Watson, SP,期刊:Blood, 页码:1747-1756 , 文章类型: Article,,卷期:2012年119-7]
  • The C-type lectin receptor CLEC-2 signals through a pathway that is critically dependent on the tyrosine kinase Syk. We show that homozygous loss of either protein results in defects in brain vascular and lymphatic devel...
  • Transfusion-related acute lung injury: incidence and risk factors
    [作者:Toy, P; Gajic, O; Bacchetti, P; Looney, MR; Gropper, MA; Hubmayr, R; Lowell, CA; Norris, PJ; Murphy, EL; Weiskopf, RB; Wilson, G; Koenigsberg, M; Lee, D; Schuller, R; Wu, P; Grimes, B; Gandhi, MJ; Winters, JL; Mair, D; Hirschler, N; Rosen, RS; Matthay, MA,期刊:Blood, 页码:1757-1767 , 文章类型: Article,,卷期:2012年119-7]
  • Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) is the leading cause of transfusion-related mortality. To determine TRALI incidence by prospective, active surveillance and to identify risk factors by a case-control study, ...
  • R-Ras is required for murine dendritic cell maturation and CD4(+) T-cell priming
    [作者:Singh, G; Hashimoto, D; Yan, XC; Helft, J; Park, PJY; Ma, G; Qiao, RF; Kennedy, CR; Chen, SH; Merad, M; Chan, AM,期刊:Blood, 页码:1693-1701 , 文章类型: Article,,卷期:2012年119-7]
  • R-Ras is a member of the RAS superfamily of small GTP-binding proteins. The physiologic function of R-Ras has not been fully elucidated. We found that R-Ras is expressed by lymphoid and nonlymphoid tissues and drasticall...
  • Human virus-specific effector-type T cells accumulate in blood but not in lymph nodes
    [作者:Remmerswaal, EBM; Havenith, SHC; Idu, MM; van Leeuwen, EMM; van Donselaar, KAMI; ten Brinke, A; van der Bom-Baylon, N; Bemelman, FJ; van Lier, RAW; ten Berge, IJM,期刊:Blood, 页码:1702-1712 , 文章类型: Article,,卷期:2012年119-7]
  • It is believed that the size of the CD8(+) T-cell pool is fixed and that with every new viral challenge, the size of the preexisting memory-cell population shrinks to make way for the new virus-specific cells. CMV-seropo...
  • Targeting CXCR4 with cell-penetrating pepducins in lymphoma and lymphocytic leukemia
    [作者:O'Callaghan, K; Lee, L; Nguyen, N; Hsieh, MY; Kaneider, NC; Klein, AK; Sprague, K; Van Etten, RA; Kuliopulos, A; Covic, L,期刊:Blood, 页码:1717-1725 , 文章类型: Article,,卷期:2012年119-7]
  • The chemokine receptor CXCR4, which normally regulates stromal stem cell interactions in the bone marrow, is highly expressed on a variety of malignant hematologic cells, including lymphoma and lymphocytic leukemias. A n...